At the SATE 2012 conference, George Wiktor will lead Segment 4, the Participatory Wrapup on Friday, Sept 21 in the afternoon:
Participatory Wrap-up / Réunion de synthèse:
Moderator: George Wiktor, The GW Group
Moderator: George Wiktor, The GW Group
Join an open discussion centered on the ideas, trends and questions that have emerged from the previous SATE2012 sessions, and how those concepts can be taken forward into the future of the industry. The conversation will be facilitated by TEA past president George Wiktor of the GW Group. Throughout the conference, George will be working to capture important thoughts and remarks, which will be shared on the TEA_SATE Twitter feed to help inform the conversation.
Partagez votre point de vue en participant aux échanges menées autour des principales idées, tendances et questions posées tout au long des sessions de SATE 2012. Au cours de la séance de synthèse, nous identifierons ons les concepts qui émergent et évaluons leur potentiel et leur capacité à changer les paramètres de notre secteur dans l’avenir. Cet exercice de synthèse sera animé par George Viktor du groupe GW, un des anciens présidents de TEA. Pour cette édition, Georges s’attachera à recueillir les idées et remarques innovantes. Il les partagera ensuite avec nous via le TEA_SATE Twitter, afin de nourrir nos propres réflexions et nous permettre de faire un travail de synthèse transversal.
More information about SATE 2012, including registration, program and complete speaker list, is available at this link.

George Wiktor is a creative producer with over twenty five years experience in developing and producing places that entertain, inform and thrill the public.
While navigating the convergence of theater, architecture and media, George has been instrumental in the creation of world-class projects such as museums, corporate information centers, world’s fair pavilions and theme park attractions.
Prior to founding the GW Group, George was senior producer at The Hettema Group, an experiential design and production firm. While at THG his projects included the Russian Jewish Museum in Moscow, Russia; The National WWII Museum Theater presentation in New Orleans and several major projects in the Middle East. And for 18 years prior to that, George was a principal at BRC Imagination Arts where he lead the creative development and production of major projects for entertainment companies, museums and corporations including Disney, Warner Bros, Volkswagen, Toshiba and NASA.
George Wiktor is an active member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and also a past President of the TEA, an international organization representing the creators of attractions, places and events.